Do Beagles Change Color?

One of the most popular dog breeds, beagles, are playful and friendly. However, their coat color distinguishes beagles. Beagles frequently change color, most noticeably as puppies. Beagles are black, white, lemon, and tri-colored. This article discusses how beagles change color, including hypothyroidism, aging, and sunlight.

If you own a beagle, you might have seen that your furry friend looked different in an old picture. Beagles’ coats change color as they age. Beagles change color from puppies to adults several times, both in shade and markings. The “break” in coat color is fascinating to watch. This article will explain the science behind beagle color change.

Short Answer
As they age, beagles are known to change the color of their coat. It is most obvious when they are puppies. Beagle puppies typically have black and white fur at birth. But as they age, the black spots disappear, and more shades of brown and other colors appear. A “break” is the term used to describe their coat’s color change as they get older. Ten color combinations are available for beagles, including bi- and tri-colored coats. A Beagle with a single solid color is uncommon. Their coat may have two or three colors.

Beagles are born with a black and white coat that gradually changes to brown as they age, with other variations specific to each dog. Their coats will continue to become more vibrant, fade, or change in various ways as they age. Gradually, the color of their coat changes, and by the time they turn a year old, it usually stops. Beagles’ most significant color changes occur during the first four months of life.

It is important to remember that although Beagles can see colors, they cannot see as many as humans can. According to behavioral tests, they have improved vision in blue, yellow, and grey hues. Their eyes, however, are unable to distinguish between red and green. However, there is a cause, and that cause is evolution.

I have witnessed firsthand the change in the color of the Beagles’ coats due to owning them as pets. When one of my Beagles was a puppy, he had a black and white coat, but as he aged, the black areas started to fade, and different tones of brown became more apparent. It was fascinating to observe the gradual change. As my Beagles get older, I’ve also noticed that their coats continue to change. Regular brushing is necessary to maintain their coats and stop matting and shedding. Overall, Beagles have a special trait that makes them even cuter and more lovable: the change in their coat color.

Beagle Puppies Color Change

The breed’s most noticeable color change is a Beagle’s coat. Beagle puppies’ patches change as they grow. Lemon-colored Beagles may lighten as they age. Beagles change color with age, so don’t worry.

Not all Beagles’ coat colors change with age. Some Beagles keep their original color and pattern. To determine your Beagle puppy’s adult coat color, check its AKC registration paperwork before buying.

Lemon, red-and-white, and tricolor beagles exist. Beagles have more coat colors than just lemon. Even within a litter, Beagle coat colors and patterns vary. Regardless of coat color, beagles can live long, healthy lives with beautiful coats with the right genetics and care. Whether your beagle’s coat changes or stays the same, it’s important to appreciate and care for its beauty.

Lemon-Colored Beagles

One of the most interesting things about beagle puppies is how their coat colors change uniquely. Not only does the color of their fur change, but so does the shape of their patches. Beagle owners who want to register with the American Kennel Club must understand beagle color variations (AKC).

Beagle puppies are born white. Many breeds—including beagles—have this trait. A beagle’s coat’s most noticeable color change is from white to lemon. Beagles’ unique lemon color ranges from light yellow to deep orange.

Beagles can be tri-colored or bi-colored, not just lemon. Bi-colored beagles are black and white, while tri-colored ones are black, white, and tan. AKC registration requires knowledge of beagle color variations. Understanding beagles’ color change as they age is important because the AKC registration paperwork requires accurate coat color documentation.

Aging-Related Color Change

Dogs, including beagles, often change the color of their coats as they age. Genetics, environment, and aging cause this change. Beagle owners must understand the aging-related color change to keep their pets healthy and happy.

Grey hair and coat lightening are common beagles aging color changes. The beagle’s melanin production decreases, causing this change. The hair and skin lighten, changing their appearance. During the aging process, the color of the skin can also change. This change can lighten the beagle’s skin, changing its color slightly.

Common but difficult to fix. Beagles’ aging-related color change has no cure. However, grooming and nutrition can help beagle owners maintain their coat color. Grooming keeps the beagle’s coat healthy, shiny, and vibrant. Keeping their coat color vibrant requires a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals.

Causes of Color Change Due to Health Issues

A noticeable coat color change may make us wonder why. Beagles’ coat colors can change for many reasons, including aging. This article examines two such causes: Hypothyroidism.

Hypothyroidism causes a variety of symptoms, including a change in coat color. This causes hair loss and coat lightening. Hypothyroid beagles have dull, thin coats with lighter patches. A veterinarian can test your beagle for hypothyroidism with a blood test.

Beagles can also develop vitiligo. It causes skin or fur to lose pigmentation. Vitiligo may be an autoimmune disease. The lighter patches can grow and spread anywhere on the body.


In conclusion, beagles often change color due to aging, hypothyroidism, vitiligo, and direct sunlight. Lemon-colored beagles may lighten or darken with age. Beagles’ color change can be tracked by taking monthly photos of their coat and patches.

As a responsible beagle owner, you should know color variations and seek veterinary help. Understanding beagle color change factors will help you care for your pet.

Learn more about beagle training and care to make your beagle happy and healthy. By knowing what beagles need, you can help them live long and happy life. Understanding your beagle’s color change can help you care for it.


What causes the color change in beagles?

Aging, hypothyroidism, and sunlight can cause beagle color changes. The color of a beagle’s coat may become lighter or darker as it ages. This is a normal part of the aging process. Hypothyroidism alters pigmentation hormone production, causing color changes. Some beagles lose color in direct sunlight.

When does the color change occur in beagles?

The color change can happen at any time in a beagle’s life, but it is most noticeable when they are young and as they age. Their coat color frequently changes as puppies but less so as adults. Older beagles may also change color.

How do beagles change their coat color?

Melanin, which colors skin and hair, affects beagle coat color. Melanin levels can lighten or darken the color. Genetics can also cause beagle coat color variations.

Can hypothyroidism change the coat color of beagles?

Yes, hypothyroidism can change the coat color of beagles. This condition affects the production of hormones that are responsible for pigmentation, leading to a lighter or duller coat color. If you suspect that your beagle may have hypothyroidism, it is important to consult a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

What is the difference between tri-colored and bi-colored beagles?

Black, white, and tan beagles are tri-colored. Bi-colored beagles can be black, white, or tan. Beagle coat color is genetic and does not affect health or personality.

How does aging affect the color of beagles?

Aging has a significant impact on the color of beagles. As a beagle ages, the color of its coat may change, either lightening or darkening. This is a natural aging-related color change that occurs due to the aging of pigment cells. The hair follicles may produce less pigment with age, causing the coat to lighten or fade. However, some beagles may maintain their coat color throughout their life.

Does direct sunlight affect the color of beagles?

Beagles can change color in sunlight. If the hair is in the sun for a long time, it can lighten and fade, changing the overall color of the coat. Once the beagle is out of direct sunlight, this effect will disappear. To prevent skin and coat damage, protect your beagle from the sun.

What is the most common color of beagles?

The most common color of beagles is a tri-colored combination of black, white, and tan. This classic tricolor pattern is the most recognizable and distinctive of the beagle coat color variations. The bi-colored beagles, solid black and white or lemon-colored and white, are also relatively common.

How many color combinations can beagles have?

Beagles can have a variety of coat colors and combinations, including black and tan, lemon, blue, and red, among others. Some beagles may have unique coat color patterns, such as brindle, ticking, or sibling, which add to their individuality. The combinations of beagle coat colors are endless, making each beagle unique.

Can you prevent the color change in beagles?

Beagles cannot prevent color change. The color change is a natural process with age and other things, like being out in the sun. You can’t stop the color change, but proper nutrition, grooming, and sun protection can keep your beagle’s coat healthy.