Pug Beagle Lifespan: How Long Do These Crossbreed Dogs Live?

Pug-Beagles (Puggles) is one of the most popular crossbreeds. These dogs are Pug-Beagle hybrids. Many people love these cute, loyal pets. Before adopting a pug-beagle, ensure you can care for them for its entire lifespan. This article discusses pug beagle lifespan, including average lifespan, factors affecting it, and how to prolong it.

Short Answer

Puggles and pug-beagle mixes live 10–15 years. This lifespan matches other small dog breeds. Puggles weigh 14–35 pounds and stand 10–15 inches. Puggles are generally healthy, but respiratory and eye issues can occur. Since beagles are healthier than pugs, the pug is a healthier alternative.

Puggles, or small dogs, live 10–15 years. Genetics, diet, exercise, and health affect lifespan. Puggles can develop respiratory and eye issues like Pugs and Beagles. To detect health issues early, your pug needs regular vet visits. This will help your pug live long and healthily. Healthy food and exercise can also help your pug’s health.

What is the average lifespan of a pug-beagle?

Pug Beagles live 10–15 years. Genetics, environment, and healthcare all affect lifespan. Due to their genetic diversity, crossbreeds live longer than purebreds but still have health issues.

Factors Affecting the Pug-Beagle Lifespan

Several factors can influence the pug-beagle’s lifespan, including genetics, diet, exercise, healthcare, and environment.


The Pug Beagle’s lifespan can be influenced by genetics, and there is no way to predict how long a dog will live based on their genetics. However, you can ensure that your Pug Beagle has a healthy genetic makeup by adopting from a reputable breeder that performs genetic testing.


Diet determines a pug’s or beagle’s lifespan. A balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs can prevent several health issues that may shorten their lifespan. High-quality dog food for your beagle’s age, size, and activity level is recommended.


Physical and mental health depend on Pug Beagle exercise. It prevents obesity, improves cardiovascular health, and lowers health risks. Depending on age and health, your pug-beagle should walk or run for at least 30 minutes a day.


Your pug needs regular care to live long and healthy. Your pug-beagle needs regular checkups, vaccinations, and preventative care like a dental cleaning. Be aware of pug-beagle health issues like hip dysplasia, epilepsy, and ear infections.


Your pug’s and beagle’s lifespan depends on their environment. Please give them a safe, clean, and comfortable home. Protect them from extreme temperatures, parasites, and other environmental hazards.

How to Prolong the Pug-Beagle Lifespan?

While some factors affecting the pug beagle’s lifespan, such as genetics, cannot be controlled, you can take several steps to help prolong their life.

Regular exercise and a healthy diet

Pug Beagles must exercise and eat well to live long. Keeping them healthy with a balanced diet and regular exercise can extend their lifespan.

Regular Healthcare

Vaccinations, checkups, and preventative care can detect and treat health issues before they become serious. Collaborating with your veterinarian is critical to developing a healthcare plan that meets your pug’s specific needs and ensures they get the care they need to stay healthy.

Mental Stimulation

Your pug needs mental stimulation. Puzzle toys, new tricks, and regular walks in different environments are examples. Mental stimulation can prevent boredom, anxiety, and health problems.


Pug beagles need grooming. Grooming prevents skin, ear, and dental issues. To keep your pug beagle healthy, brush its coat, ears, and teeth daily.

Common Health Issues Affecting Pug Beagles

Like all dogs, pug beagles are susceptible to certain health issues. Some of the most common health issues affecting pug beagles include:

Hip Dysplasia

Genetic hip dysplasia causes pain, lameness, and arthritis. To prevent or manage hip dysplasia, your pug’s parents must be healthy and exercise regularly.


Epilepsy causes seizures. Medication and lifestyle changes can manage epilepsy, which has no cure. Your veterinarian must address your pug’s needs.

Ear Infections

Pug Beagles get ear infections because their floppy ears trap moisture and debris. Clean your pug’s or beagle’s ears regularly, and see a vet if you see redness, swelling, or discharge.


In conclusion, the Pug Beagle’s lifespan is 10–15 years, depending on genetics, diet, exercise, healthcare, and environment. A balanced diet, regular exercise, mental stimulation, grooming, and regular healthcare can help your Pug Beagle live longer. Genetics cannot be controlled. Work with your vet to create a management plan that meets your Pug Beagle’s needs, and be aware of the common health issues that affect this crossbreed. These steps will help your pug-beagle live long, healthy, and happily.


What is the average lifespan of a pug-beagle?

Pug Beagles live 12–15 years. Genetics, diet, exercise, and health all affect the pug-beagle’s lifespan. Pug Beagles can live long, happy lives with proper care, good health, and a balanced lifestyle.

Do Pug Beagles have a shorter lifespan compared to purebred Pugs or Beagles?

Pug-Beagles live longer than Pugs and Beagles. Pug-Beagles are healthier and stronger than purebred dogs due to their mixed genetics. This depends on the dog’s genetics and lifestyle.

How can I increase the lifespan of my pug-beagle?

You can extend your pug’s life in several ways. A balanced diet, regular exercise, dental care, and veterinary checkups can help them live longer and healthier. Keeping your pug-beagle healthy, safe, and comfortable is also important.

What are health issues common in pug beagles that can affect their lifespan?

Health issues can shorten pugs’ and beagles’ lifespans. Hip dysplasia, patellar luxation, obesity, allergies, and respiratory issues are examples. Regular vet visits and vaccinations can help catch these health issues early and extend their lives.

At what age do pug beagles typically start showing signs of aging?

Pug Beagles start aging around seven to nine years old. Aging can cause energy, appetite, sleep, and behavior changes. As they age, your pug-beagle needs a balanced diet, proper care, and attention to live a happy and healthy life.

Do pug beagles need a certain climate to live longer?

Pug-Beagles are versatile. In hot weather, they overheat due to their short muzzles and breathing issues, so keep them cool. They may need extra insulation in the winter. With proper care, pug beagles can live long and healthy lives in many environments.

Is there a specific diet that can help increase the lifespan of a pug-beagle?

Balanced diets are essential for pug and beagle health and longevity. Protein, vitamins, and minerals boost their immune systems and prevent illness. Obesity in pug beagles shortens their lifespan, so don’t overfeed them.

How can I tell if my pug-beagle is aging well?

Monitor your Pug Beagle’s weight, activity, and behavior to ensure a healthy life and aging. Veterinary checkups can also detect health issues early. A healthy diet, regular exercise, and a comfortable home can also improve their health.

Will changing my lifestyle help my pug-beagle live longer?

Yes, lifestyle changes can help your pug-beagle live longer. Exercise is crucial. Your pug needs enough exercise to maintain weight and cardiovascular and joint health. Your pug beagle needs a well-balanced, nutritious diet for their age and size. Regular veterinary checkups, vaccinations, and parasite prevention can help your pug beagle live longer and healthier.

What is the oldest recorded age for a pug-beagle?

The oldest Pug Beagle recorded age depends on genetics, environment, and owner care. Pug beagles can live 12–15 years on average with proper care. Your pug-beagle needs the best care to ensure a long and healthy life.